WordPress is the hottest blogging tool. It’s leaving it’s mark on Internet marketing like nothing else before. Understanding how WordPress works can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Read ahead for some great tips on using WordPress and make it work for you.
If your post contains a long title, be certain to adjust your permalink. Extremely long URLs are usually made up of excessively descriptive titles. Alter the permalink to include only the keywords.
Gather as much information as you can before installing WordPress. If you plan ahead, things will flow better once you get started. Experiment with different plugins, research search engine optimization and learn how to write original, effective content to make using WordPress easier.
A clean permalink will make it easier to post blogs with long titles. For example, “Ten Ways for Smart Parents to Tame Their Kids” would appear as a long, cumbersome URL. Rather than writing that, have your permalink be “discipline-tips-children” or something similar that captures your keywords.
Are there a lot of commenters to your posts? It can be hard to look through all of them, for yourself and others. Look for a plugin to add page numbers at the end of the comments section. It will be easier to navigate your site, and it will look more organized.
Make the greeting shown on the top of your WordPress page inviting. A good greeting is more intimate for visitors and can relate to how this visitor found your blog. It will also make things look more human and less robotic.
Make sure that users can easily send your articles to their email whenever they want. This allows your readers to share an articles with their friends and also to save a copy for themselves. WordPress has a plugin for email sharing.
Use Alt and Title when you are using WordPress. When you are adding images to your posts, don’t forget to use titles and alt text. Not only do these fields offer more opportunities to stuff in more content specific SEO keywords, but they also allow users who can’t load images to know what they can’t see on your site.
Avoid using a username such as “Admin”. Doing so subjects your blog to bots. That’s a security risk. Delete usernames that appear with “administrator” or “admin” on your user pages. Choose another username altogether.
Keep your media library organized. It may be tempting to just upload images directly into the library, but things can become chaotic really quick. Make sure to incorporate folder structures that allows you to categorize properly. If you’d like to use an image again, you can find it easily.
Make sure your plugins are updated. These are great for adding one-of-a-kind power to your site. They will need to get updated though. If you fail to stay current with update installation, key upgrades can pass you by, and the plugin might stop working altogether.
Teach yourself everything you can prior to using WordPress. You will be more successful if you make a good plan before you begin. You need to know how to produce great content and about SEO or search engine optimization prior to your blog launch.
Use a minimal number of plugins. It’s cool and fun to use plugins, but the more you install, the longer it will take your users to load your site. Things can really get bogged down, which can harm your rankings in the search engines. A slower site generally ranks more poorly than optimized sites.
Back up your blog on a regular basis. You need to back up your blog often. One good WordPress plugin for this is Xcloner. Back your website up in at least 2 places. It would be a tragedy to lose your whole blog.
You can schedule blog posts using WordPress. You can easily schedule the publication of your posts regardless of where you are. Go to your Edit screen and locate the Publish box. There should be an option for immediate publication. Use military time to input the times, days, months and years you want your content published. Then, verify that you want to publish immediately. When the “Schedule For” screen comes up, check it, and hit “Schedule” if it’s correct.
Get rid of special characters from the URLs of your blog posts. Special characters make it more difficult for search engines to index your site. It would also be useful to use shorter URLs that contain the necessary keywords.
Approving comments manually is a thing of the past. Aksimet will take care of it all for you. You can have an email sent whenever someone makes a comment, however, it might be best to deselect manual approval for posting. You aren’t saving much time this way.
Is it hard to post updates to your blog when you want to do so? You can write something in advance and schedule it to publish at the time and date of your choosing. When you click to start a new post, you should have the ability to schedule it some time in the future. So, write in advance and line up your posts in order to have them published at a regular interval.
Read reviews of a plugin you want to use. Don’t forget, anyone who knows programming can build these plugins. If a plugin has a lot of flaws and bugs reported, don’t use it. Plugins with several downloads and high ratings are usually safer.
Posts are filed chronologically by default. If you want to rearrange the list, you’ll have to change the date first. To do this, open a post so that you can see its date near the top-right. To change the posts position, click the date and change it.
If you need WordPress blog hosting, try picking a host that has some installation tools for installing WordPress for you using a button. Using one of these tools will save you the trouble of creating your own individual database. A single click could mean the host creates both your blog domain and your database associated with it.
You need to enable comments for your WordPress blog. This will encourage a sense of community, and it will also help you to know more about the people who are reading your site. You can install a plug-in that allows you to review comments before posting. This discourages spammers and such.
Try using different authoring tools for your blog. Have you had problems with the dashboard on WordPress? You can also use Windows Live Writer. WordPress is compatible with a variety of tools that make it more efficient. Try a few of them out, and find the one that works best with you.
Do you have a lot of people who comment on your posts? If that is the case, sorting through the many comments can get difficult both for you and your visitors. Use a plugin to insert page numbers in the comments area. This makes for easier navigation and a more organized site.
Clearly, it is simply a matter of learning WordPress, just as you must do with any helpful tool. You can really reach a new audience by using WordPress effectively. Keep on learning about WordPress so that you maximize your blogging.