How to Create and Sell Websites on Flippa for Profit

The book provided an easy to follow guide on how to do niche research, niche selection, domain registration, choosing the right Website development platform, creating Website, creating contents based on the chosen niche and researched keywords, uploading, listing and selling the site on Flippa, or any other selling platform. Rinse and repeat.  It’s a complete sales business model of its own.   

Follow the book meticulously and use the same tools and resources the author uses to build, scale and sell his Websites on different platforms.  If anyone can do it, it’s you.  Join the happy subscribers who chose to create an online empire on Website flipping. The author assumes minimal, and provides clear, step-by-step instructions on how to flip websites online.


Do you want to research and implement proven and profitable web selling strategies that will help you develop a profitable website and sell it for a profit?

Do you want to know how you can become a successful website seller?

Website sales is a great way to earn passive income online, but it’s difficult to find good information on how to do it right. The lack of quality content around the subject leads people to lose interest in the strategy altogether.

One of the most comfortable and most self-contained ways for earning a living online presently is Website flipping.  It is the next online gold rush,” and it has come to stay.  It is a sales business revenue model that will be around for a long time. You’ll learn how to do niche, and keyword research, domain name registration, creating a website, content (generation, inclusion, optimization), and flipping (selling of the Website).  

While there are several other means to earn a living online, Website flipping is one of the few and easy to maintain an online business.  It’s also a “quick fix” to getting cash in your pocket.  You don’t have to be a genius to sell Websites online, especially on Flippa, but you need to research and learn from other people’s mistakes and successes to successfully market your Website at a competitive price.   

There are many other online auction places where you could sell your Website, but this content is more focused on how to create a Website and sell it on the Flippa marketplace.  Successful sellers and investors use Flippa because it has a high yield on investment for both new and seasoned Website owners and sellers.  As I always say to myself; “Flippa is Quicker.”  

Would you like to learn how to generate monthly passive income without the need for any technical experience or prior knowledge of coding?

Numerous individuals and companies spend thousands of dollars on advertisements to drive traffic to their websites. Start selling your website and earn passive income!

Enter our ultimate guide for creating and selling a website, a thorough and concise work that explains every nook and cranny of this powerful technique. You’ll learn how to take your website from zero to hero in no time flat.

You could sell new Websites that have not yet been indexed, with no traffic, but definitely, has monetization models in place.  These kinds of sites are sold “as is.”  You will not get much for Websites sold as is, but you can at least have some money in your pocket to go on to the next project.  I call it the “quickie” process. 

You will learn how to find a niche, see the associated keyword(s) in high demand, register your domain around the researched and selected markets, choose the right Web site development platform to create your Web site, load the newly designed Web site with the right content management tools, plug-ins, and how to sell the completed Website on Flippa with a custom sales template.  It’s an all-in-one package.  All you have to do after your first successful sold Web site is rinse and repeat the process until you feel comfortable enough to move forward to more challenging Web site projects.   

The five significant steps shown above are not in any way a stroll in the park, they require time, dedication, and hard work to make it happen.  Treat your business like a business and not a hobby; you will cash in on your effort(s).  It is the only way to get paid. Don’t cross the fine line between business and pleasure.  If you want to earn any income from your hard work online or offline, you have to treat them like a business, nothing more.  

Stay ahead of your competition and start earning passive income by purchasing this book today.

This guide will reveal to you the different ways you can market your website for sale, how to unlock the value of your site, and at the end of this guide, you will be able to find out if selling your website is the right decision for you.

Please click on the link below for a copy and let us take you from zero to hero when it comes to the lucrative world of selling websites.

The Web property market is still young but is picking up faster than any other vertical market industry out there, and that is why I wrote this book to create awareness of Website flipping and monetization methods already in place.  This book is designed to reduce the element of risk associated with Website flipping on Flippa; for those relatively new to Website flipping, or maybe new to internet marketing. 


If you are looking for a get a rich quick formula, this is not the product for you. Let’s get started.