Using WordPress isn’t as easy as you may think it is. It takes some work to get used to it, especially if you’re new to blogging. The more you know about WordPress, the larger your potential as a blogger. This article will give you tips on how to do just that.
Don’t choose a design that’s identical to what others that have a WordPress website use. While copying someone else’s design is quick, it doesn’t make a good impression. Your site should be unique and reflect your personality.
Make sure you’re taking time to get familiar with the tools and other options you can use when you do some WordPress blogging. For example, if you click on the KITCHEN SINK button, you will get lots of extra choices in importing and formatting that can really make your posts unique.Additionally, you will probably notice the SCREEN OPTIONS tab on your admin pages. Using this will help you better manage any formatting issues.
Choose a design that is relatively unique when making your WordPress blog; don’t just choose the design everyone else is using. This may be tempting since it’s a time saver, but users will not be too impressed with your effort. You need to show your individuality with your site.
Make sure you use “title” and “alt.” Use both title and alternate text when uploading your images to your site. These can help you add more SEO descriptions to pages, which lets those viewers that don’t wish to see images know what the images are.
WordPress makes it easy for users to incorporate video blogging into their site. The time spent in preparation is time well spent. Most users on the web will love this. A video can add interest to the site, and it is a great tool.
Clean everything that adds no value to your site, such as extraneous comments and content. This will ensure your site remains user friendly. Akismet is a great plugin that you can include that will help you to filter out the daily spam on your site.
If your post title is really long, cut down the length of the web page permalink. Something like, “The Top 5 Ways Parents Discipline their Children” is a little too lengthy. Try using just the keywords for the best results.
Work on creating a better greeting for the top of your WordPress website. You will be able to understand how your user located your blog, and this will provide your user with a more personal experience. This will allow you to have a page that isn’t too “robotic” so that things can be accessed using the WordPress Greet Box plugin.
Keep your password secret so that you will not suffer any security breaches. On top of that, only download plugins from sites which are reputable and check the reviews before you install anything. If you have a site that has malware or one that gets hacked, you may lose all of your data.
Always organize your media library. It can become really chaotic if you are constantly uploading images directly to your library. You should start with a simple folder structure and go from there. You’ll be able to find what you need much more quickly.
When you are using WordPress, get familiar with the tools and features available in the application. You will get more choices when you do this. It will make your posts different than others. You should also see a Screen Options on the Admin page. Use that to control all kinds of formatting elements.
Always update your plugins. These are a great tool that will make your website more powerful. They will update just like normal software. Not updating your site means you will not have access to upgrades and the plugins may not work as they should.
It isn’t easy to deal with WordPress, and that’s especially true if you don’t know much about it. You’ve just taken those first steps to learn more about this platform by reading this. Just put what you have gained here to use, and success is in your sights.