Have you been interested in starting a great-looking blog, but are unsure of how to begin? WordPress is the answer you seek. WordPress is an application that gives non-coders the opportunity to create a blog page or website that’s easy to use. Continue to read to gain more knowledge about this tool.
Be sure to use Title & Alt. When putting images in a post, you can write text. These areas give you more space for SEO keywords for your site, while simultaneously letting visitors know what the images are, in case they do not see them.
WordPress makes video blogging easy. It may take more effort, but it’s worth it. Many online users are visual. A video can add interest to the site, and it is a great tool.
Clean up long titles in the permalink. For instance, a title such as “Top Ten Way To Tame Unruly Children” can create a long URL. Rather, make the permalink something along the lines of your target SEO keyphrase, such as “parental-advice-misbehaving-kids.”
Create a posting schedule. If you schedule when things must be posted, you’re more likely to actually post them. In fact, you can sit down one day and create posts for the rest of the week, then you can use the schedule feature to have WP upload the posts for you.
If there is content or comments that aren’t of value, remove them. This makes your website more user-friendly. One great plugin to filter spam is Akismet.
Omit special characters from the URLs of your blog posts. Spiderbots may have difficulty with them. Your URLs should also be shortened to just include keywords, so they do not overwhelm your visitors.
Use Title and Alt when you are uploading pictures. Use both title and alternate text when uploading your images to your site. Not only do these fields offer more opportunities to stuff in more content specific SEO keywords, but they also allow users who can’t load images to know what they can’t see on your site.
Have you even worked on your site and thought that the changes you made were not saved? That is probably not the case. You can solve this by clearing the cache of your browser. Refresh your browser while holding down your shift key to make your changes appear.
Are you someone lucky to have a large number of commenting people on your posts? If they do, it can be quite a chore for you and your readers to comb through all of them. Install a plugin that adds page numbers to the comments section. That is going to help your site seem organized, and it will be much easier to navigate.
Create a suitable greeting and heading at the very top of your home page on your site. This makes things a bit more personal with readers since you can make a message that shows how others found your site. This will allow you to have a page that isn’t too “robotic” so that things can be accessed using the WordPress Greet Box plugin.
Video blogging is easy with WordPress. You must do some preparation; however, it’s worth it. Most users on the web will love this. A video can show them things that the written word just can’t convey, and as a result, it can be a very powerful tool.
Be sure that your readers can forward your posts to their emails whenever they desire. Many people who won’t have access to social media will still want to share with friends. Set this up using a WP-Email plugin.
You shouldn’t pick a username such as “admin”. Bots will attack your blog if you make your username ADMINISTRATOR or ADMIN. This puts your site at risk. Be sure to delete usernames containing “admin” or “administrator”. Use a different and unique username.
Limit the number of WordPress plugins you use to a minimum. Plugins are great, but each one slows your load time a little bit more. They can slow down things considerably, impacting your search engine rank. Slow sites do not do as well in the SERPs as those that are optimized for speed.
Clean up the content and comments that do not add any value to your website. In this way, your site will be inviting and comfortable for your users. Easily clean up any spam on your website with the Akismet plugin.
Keep your WordPress updated. Updates generally include security fixes that you will want to have. Older versions of WordPress leave you vulnerable to attack by malware. Install all the updates to keep your site secure.
Don’t forget to back up your blog. This has to be done regularly. Consider a plugin, for example Xcloner. Your choice of backup website or plugin is at your discretion, but be sure you do more than one backup location. Losing an entire website is catastrophic.
Are you sick of clutter in WordPress? Just disengage a few of the boxes on your page. You can do this with the top WordPress button labeled “Screen Options.” Click on this and a drop-down menu will give you the option to turn boxes off.
You may sometimes devote much time in tweaking your blog in WordPress, and assume that your changes do not get saved regularly. That’s not necessarily the case. Clear your cache to see if that fixes the problem. Press and hold the Shift key when refreshing the browser for changes to show.
If you’re seeking a hosting company for you WordPress site, select one that has tools for easy installation. Using one of these tools will save you the trouble of creating your own individual database. With one click, the host can create the blog domain for you as well as the associated database.
Blog Authoring
Blog authoring tools are very valuable. Do you dislike the dashboard for WordPress? Try a blog authoring program like Windows Live Writer. Lots of tools can work well in conjunction with WordPress in this way. Try different ones to determine which works for you.
Unless you change it, posts will appear chronologically. You must start by altering the date. To do this, open a post so that you can see its date near the top-right. Click the date, choose a new one and save the post to alter its position.
Make a plan of your site before you dive into WordPress. Write down everything you’d like your website to do and what visitors would enjoy finding. It’s much easier to build a well-designed website from the beginning than it is to add plugins later.
Utilize pictures within your website. The adage that a picture is worth more than a few words is still true today. This will give your site much more flair. Use alternate text and title tags for describing images so that readers and search engines can easily understand them.
Plugins that cost something aren’t automatically not worth it. Consider the value of your own time, and stack it up against the price of a plugin. If there are many features offered at a low price, this is a great investment that can save time.
You can up your rank with the search engines by taking a bit of time with your pictures during upload sessions. Always remember to add alternative text and title tags. The title you add will be what appears on Pinterest if someone “pins” your image.
If you would like to try something on your website and test some things without going live, make a copy of your blog in another folder with an identical, second database. This will keep any mistakes from ruining your entire site or hampering your sales.
Both corporations and small business owners use WordPress to build websites. It allows you to create a professional looking site, no matter your level of expertise. WordPress is a limitless tool that can improve your exposure.